Monday, July 10, 2006

Outback Australia Telescope

An innovative radio telescope made up of square tiles instead of conventional dish antennas will be built in outback Western Australia to study what switched on the first stars.

The Mileura Widefield Array, which will cover an area 1.5 kilometres in diameter, will use 500 six-metre square 'tiles' to gather radio signals from its site in the mid-west of the state.

The array will operate at low frequencies to 'see through' the neutral hydrogen, which is opaque to optical light, that filled the early universe.

Mileura Station (a livestock ranch) is roughly 300km inland from the western Australian coast, a few hundred km north of Perth ,and 350km from the small coastal city of Geraldton . The target region is extremely sparsely populated, and is characterized by fairly flat, sparsely vegetated, semi-arid terrain criss-crossed by shallow washes and watercourses.

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