Friday, April 21, 2006

Blog Milestone

It's a milestone for That's Not Writing, That's Typing! I finally reached a 1000 views. According to my comments and my cluster map, I have hits from all over the world. When you consider that there are 6 billion people in the world, it puts my 1000 hits into perspective, but I'm still happy to have people read what I have written and return to read the posts again. As all of you who write blogs know, it's lots of fun to write these posts. I love to read other people's blogs too. It's an odd feeling of intimacy to think of other people sitting at their keyboards writing for themselves and for everyone else. When I read a recent post, I always think "someone just typed and posted that!" It took nearly four months to tally the first 1000 hits on my blog. How long will it take to tally the next 1000?

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