Friday, January 27, 2006

Lance Denies Break-up

Even though it was reported widely that they ended their engagement at Christmas, Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow are still a couple. Armstrong sent an email recently to the Austin American Statesman saying, ""No truth to it at all. Sorry to ruin the story." The two were engaged last August, days after Lance won the yellow jersey at the Tour de France for the seventh time. Check details in this post at or become a Paceline member at which is Lance's official website.


Anonymous said...

sixth time.
and they've been toghether quite longer.

Candace said...

I got the info from the Austin American Statesman via the Lance Armstrong website. The engagement was in August and he has won the Tour seven times. Go there and see!

Kelly said...

Oh Yes! Lance is a SEVEN time winner of the Tour de France! Go Lance! Go Texas!