Once the seabreeze is in, the surf kites come out and stay out until sunset. Pinaroo Point and Mullaloo Beach are favorite spots for the surf kites enthusiasts, no rocks, great wind and waves.
It makes a beautiful sight for spectators too seeing the kites as the sun sinks over the Indian Ocean. Click image to enlarge.
We are lucky enough to live on two different continents, sharing our year between the US and Western Australia. My husband's the Aussie and I'm an American. We love the heat so we follow the sun, summering in WA and US each year. The travel makes sense as we have business interests in both places as well as family and friends. Just as we start to miss barbeque and tacos, it's time to return to the US. After being in the US awhile, we feel the pull of the ocean and know it's time to return to Western Australia.
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